Gadgets Demonstrated

"Imagination Station" Ideas
Microscope to attach to a chromebook/pc/mac to examine the world around them up close
Bulk Dominoes to build designs Handwarmers (w/logo fabric) Cardboard Jenga using boxes from Uline Shred a damaged book and put in a container and have kids guess what book it is Personalized Scratch Off Cards (Get Scratch off stickers from Amazon) |
Books Recommended
Wonder Workshop STEM Recommended Reading
Robotics Reading List from Birdbrain Technologies (Hummingbird & Finch) The What If Monster - activity to pair with older students |
Websites Recommended
Maker/Learner/STEM links |
Others that are super cool!Presentations |
On My Radar/Want List
Tumble Trax - Magnetic Pieces to build a marble run
3Doodler AlphaDoods - a mix of 3DPen Printing & Stop Motion
Novie - Learns by gesture Controls
3Doodler AlphaDoods - a mix of 3DPen Printing & Stop Motion
Novie - Learns by gesture Controls