Grant Proposal: Makerspace SandboxI am a new person in a new position in my District. This District Tech Integration position just started with this school year. We are lucky to have a great infrastructure of devices and an awesome network, but I think teachers have yet to see some innovation with our 1:1 devices (chromebooks 9-12 and iPads 2-8). So many times, I hear teachers say they want to “do more” with tech, but they don't know where to start. This Makerspace Sandbox will be a travelling presentation to our 5 schools in our district as well as to other school districts (via EdCamps or other conferences). It will allow teachers to work/play/test/study with some makerspace goodies (robotics, coding, circuitry, etc.). This experimentation by teachers will SPARK their interest and give them the hands-on experiences to give them confidence to bring these items into their classrooms. The materials/equipment that I plan to purchase will cover a wide range of activities that can be implemented in classrooms from our youngest Kindergarten students to our advanced High School students.
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