I had a wacom pen/mouse tablet a long time ago and I was ready for an upgrade. I do have a "cheapy" tablet connected to my workplace PC right now and it does the job, but this One by Wacom tablet is great! It works with PC, MAC, or Chromebook (**look to this article to see if your chromebook is compatible). With a quick download of the wacom software to my MAC, I was ready to use. It has great response and has super smooth writing. The buttons on the pen allow it to operate like a wireless mouse as well when used above the tablet area.
I bought my One by Wacom tablet on Amazon (LINK) as I had some credit/gift card balance to use, but you can also read more about it or purchase it right through the Wacom site (LINK).
I paired the purchase with a small felt sleeve I purchased on Amazon (LINK) to be able to carry the tablet and still have it protected.
I bought my One by Wacom tablet on Amazon (LINK) as I had some credit/gift card balance to use, but you can also read more about it or purchase it right through the Wacom site (LINK).
I paired the purchase with a small felt sleeve I purchased on Amazon (LINK) to be able to carry the tablet and still have it protected.